Jeff Smith, President and CEO

Jeff Smith, President and CEO
Jeff Smith

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

1775 was a VERY good year for America!!

Why collect 1775 Colonial Currency? 

Our early American history -- from a political, social, and certainly economical perspective -- is fascinating. Fortunately, for all currency enthusiasts, this history is exemplified in the first American currency, lovingly referred to as colonial currency. Colonial currency provided financial incentives and means to build America and win the Revolutionary War. 

So many of my colleagues and clients are aggressively collecting Colonial Currency notes dated 1776. This is totally understandable as most of us believe the real birth of our nation took place during that year. Certainly, we are all aware that the US Congress proclaimed the Declaration of Independence – Independence from Great Britain – on July 4th, 1776.

But what about 1775? Significantly, the first year of the American Revolutionary War was 1775 during which the second Continental Congress acted as a war government and created the US Army (June 14), Navy (October 27), and Marines (November 10). All Americans owe their freedoms to these institutions – institutions established in 1775! 

And what else happened during that critically essential year? Here are just a few of the most significant 
historical events of 1775: 

[ March 23, 1775] Patrick Henry loudly declares, “Give me liberty or give me death” during a speech he made asking for Virginian troops to join the revolutionary war. 

[April 18, 1775] Paul Revere and William Dawes made their famous midnight ride from Charleston to Lexington, warning that the British “regulars” were coming. 

 The shot that was “heard around the world” was fired on April 19, 1775,  the day the American Revolution began and a day later, the British took siege of Boston.

On May 10th George Washington was named supreme commander. Just 14 days later, John Hancock was elected Continental Congress President

June 14 1775 saw the founding of our US Army Navy and on June 17, the Battle of Bunker Hill (Breed’s Hill) began. 
July 17th saw the establishment of the first American military hospital and on July 26th, Ben Franklin founded the United States Post Office

On December 3rd, the first official US flag (Grand Union Flag) was raised aboard the Naval ship USS Alfred. By December 22, the “American” Continental Navy had seven ships. 

Notes produced during the Revolutionary War have seen great interest, with the idea that those notes display powerful patriotic symbolism and may have been placed in the pockets of patriot soldiers as they took arms against the British. So why not collect notes from the first and most important year – 1775

Now is the time to invest in colonial currency; affordable prices will NOT last! Large numbers of new currency collectors are reaching retirement age and are “in droves” contributing to higher demand and higher prices.

Proudly, has excellent examples of Colonial Currency notes from each of the 13 colonies as well as the Continental Congress issues. Call us at 870-670-4255 or email  for help and support, as you venture into Colonial Note Set collection. 

For more information about this and other collect able coins and currency, please visit our web site at email


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How to Start a Currency Collection

I want to start collecting coins and currency items; where do I start?

Collectors of coins and currency do so for many reasons. One of the most common collector is the hobiest who collects more for fun and appeal, rather than profit. Often, this attraction begins as a child who, by chance or purpose, receives an item that is both fascinating and historical.

An increasingly popular reason to pursue collecting of coins and currency is to do so as an investment Persons who use collections as a kind of investing do so with the idea that the value of the items, in singular or total, will increase over time. Supply and demand is the key concept here as well as a critical understanding that collections do not “make” money until they are sold and may even incur costs, such as the costs of safe and secure storage.

A third type of collector is the person who acquires a collection via inheritance. This person may or may not have any real interest in the items but appreciates potential value.

One great advantage we have today is the internet. For example, take a careful look around our web site and you will see over 4,000 items, of all categories, grades, and prices, all graded and all in full color view. And now a bit about grading. A graded item allows collectors to speak the same language when it comes to the condition of the item.

The term “Numismatics” refers to the study or collecting of coin/currency. A numismatist is someone who does this by hobby or profession. Here is a great web site to use, when learning more about such an exciting field. There’s even several links specifically designed for children.

We are official members of multiple numismatic-related organizations. Therefore, welcomes any and all questions regarding our postings and our passion for collecting coins and currency of all types. We are here to assist you! Please give us a call at 870-670-4255 or email us at